Stillness in the Storms Course

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How to find your happiness in 3 minutes!

Happiness, what is it?

Where is it?

Can I have some of it…?

Wait, wait… slow down. Don’t skip!

It’s right here… YES! 

It’s in the mundane, the normal, going to work, the dishes, taking the children to school or doing the housework. REALLY?


Because, if something goes wrong, your health deteriorates, lose your job or an accident you are going to wish you were right back to the mundane.

Suddenly the mundane is your new baseline for your happiness.

Isn’t happiness up there with job promotions, winning, buying something, lust, desires, new relationship or great sex…?

Nope… That’s amazing, that’s awesome, that’s great things.

They are not sustainable, they are temporary. These things come and go.

Like those game shows with a conveyor belt, where the gifts keep rolling by. And you try to remember them to keep them.

So enjoy them, while they’re there.

Here’s the problem we all want to be up there… All the time!

Trust me, through everything I’ve been through. If you can see your happiness in the every day things then you’ll know true happiness.

Realising this and living from this place, nobody can take away your happiness.

You’re in control of your happiness.

If this helped you, it will help somebody else!

You've just read an article by Steven Webb —  Guiding you through the most difficult times. Here is a link to my podcast Stillness in the Storms and Inner Peace Meditations.

I write to arm you with resilience and inner wisdom, helping you find calm in life’s chaos. Follow me Medium or on substack.

Steven Webb host of Stillness in the Storms portrait picture

Steven Webb

Steven Webb is a renowned meditation teacher with over a decade of experience. Known for his unique approach to quieting the busy mind, Steven navigated through a life of adversity to find his own inner peace. Now, he shares his wisdom to help others build resilience and find tranquility even in life's most turbulent times. Through his writing, courses, and podcast "Stillness in the Storms," Steven empowers people to discover their own sanctuary of inner peace when they need it the most.
© 2023 Steven Webb -

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